Why You Need a Whole Home Air Purifier
Imagine waking up one day and you start coughing and sneezing. You know it’s allergy season, but you’re surprised by your symptoms. After all, you’re inside your home! The flowers and everything that causes you dreadful allergic reactions are outside. So why do you feel like you just woke up in a field of wildflowers that are in full bloom?
If this sounds like something you’ve gone through, then you know how important indoor air quality is inside your home. Unless people do something about it, the air inside can be just as bad as the polluted air outside.
In this article, you’ll learn about the health benefits of a whole-home air purifier and how they work. You’ll also learn about their costs so you can plan ahead.
Air Purifiers for Personal Health
You may not realize it, but the air you breathe inside your house is vitally important to your overall health and well-being. There are numerous health hazards that can be avoided simply by installing a whole-home air purifier. What can you help avoid by purifying the air inside your home?
Reduce Allergy Symptoms: The cleaner you air, the less pollen, spores, and allergens will be in the air you breathe. With being able to breathe better, you’ll have fewer allergy symptoms.
- Better Sleep: When you breathe deeply and the air is clean, you can experience better sleep at night. When the air quality is poor, you won’t be able to breathe as well or sleep as deeply.
- Better Smelling Home: When you purify your air, you’ll be removing all the negative smells associated with pets, trash, and DIY home projects.
An Air Purifier Is a Working System
Air purifiers contain several parts to work properly in order to get rid of air pollution. They typically have at least one filter, sometimes multiples, and a fan that brings air in and circulates it. As the air moves through the filter, allergens, pollutants, and other particles are captured by the filter and trapped. They then stay in the filter instead of being in the air. The air that comes out on the other side is then clean and pure, free of debris and allergens.

The purifier is needed because air will continue to get debris, dander, and allergens when pets are in the house, a window gets opened, or people enter from the outside. Purifiers will continue to remove those allergy-causing particles from the air day and night so you’ll constantly have clean air.
How Much Can an Air Purifier Cost?

With a clean air filter and an air purifier, you are able to stay at the peak of your health. You will always save more by having a purifier rather than not.
Trying to keep a purifier in individual rooms is a good idea, but it won’t solve the problem in rooms where the purifier is not. By having a whole-house purifier, you’re able to stay healthy, reduce allergy symptoms, and even sleep better thanks to the clean air you’ll breathe.
Quality, Award-Winning HVAC Techs
Wolfgang’s Cooling & Heating has been serving the Fountain Hills, AZ area for over 35 years. They provide a variety of services and can help you find the ideal indoor air quality solution for your home. Wolfgang’s Cooling & Heating is a family-owned and operated business that can service residential and commercial buildings.
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